Amman, the capital of Jordan, is one of the most ancient cities in the world, with archaeological finds dating as far back as the Neolithic Period, finds at Ain Ghazal in Eastern Amman date back to around 8,500BC.

Amman, the capital of Jordan, is one of the most ancient cities in the world, with archaeological finds dating as far back as the Neolithic Period, finds at Ain Ghazal in Eastern Amman date back to around 8,500BC.
The Kings Highway is a 335km ancient thoroughfare running from the north to the south of Jordan. The King’s Highway was first mentioned in the Bible, as the route that Moses wished to follow as he led his people through the land of Edom.
Jordan is a fascinating country to visit. A hugely significant country in many religions and cultures, it has a rich history for you to explore and some wonderful places to visit.
After selling Jordan tours for many years and having to cancel 2 previous trips, I finally made it to Jordan this year and it was definitely worth the wait!